• If you are planning a trip around Croatia and neighbouring countries, it is wise to learn in advance about the types of tolls and payment methods.
  • To make it easier for you to plan your trip, you can read basic information about this topic in this text.

Check toll price in Croatia



Croatia Toll Prices 2021



There are 2 types of tolls in Croatia:


1. Road facilities such as bridges or tunnels and short sections

Toll stations are located at the beginning or end of the road section for which the toll is paid and road users are charged when entering the section or at the end of the section.

The toll amount depends on the type of vehicle.

2. Highway 

Croatian highways have several entrances and exits, the driver receives an entry card when entering the motorway. The entry card is the basis for paying the toll when exiting the motorway.

The amount of toll depends on the length of the highway used and on the type of vehicle.

You can pay the toll in cash or with cards.


More information on the exact toll amounts can be found on the following pages:




Some neighbouring countries (Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia) do not use classic toll collection but use vignettes. Vignettes must be glued in plain view on the vehicle's windscreen.

  • Vignette prices vary from country to country and depend on the time period for which you buy them (for example: 10 days, 2 months, per year vignette) and the vehicle type.
  • Vignettes can mostly be purchased at border crossings and gas stations and some countries offer online vignette purchases.
  • In addition to vignettes, additional tolls are possible for road facilities such as bridges or tunnels and short sections.


Other neighbouring countries (Italy, SerbiaBosnia and Herzegovina etc.) use classic toll collection. In Montenegro, toll is paid only on two sections (tunnel Sozina - in the direction of Bar - Podgorica and Meljine - Trebinje (BiH)).


We suggest that you explore more information and exact prices of vignettes and toll amounts on the official website of neighbouring countries. Some of them are: