Rent a car Autowill follows modern trends in the world and supports the "rent, do not own" trend that is gaining more and more supporters, both in real estate and automotive industry.
For all additional information, conditions, prices and other benefits for private and business users click Long term car rental in Croatia.
Although long-term car rental has many advantages, we want to highlight the most important ones.
Complete and planned expenses ensure business transparency.
There are no vehicle maintenance costs as they are borne by Rent a car Autowill.
Autowill rent a car also bears the costs of vehicle registration and technical inspection, coverage, winter and summer tires and their replacement and storage, as well as the RTV fee.
In case of vehicle breakdown, we have 24/7 assistance.
In order to continue traveling carefree, we provide a replacement vehicle.
Monthly rental without engaging own capital
One of the most important factors of all modern companies is the flexibility that Autowill Rent a car long-term car rental provides. In case of a longer rental period, a general rental agreement is signed. The agreement defines all rental terms and conditions but it still allows flexibility in terms of vehicle category and rental period. According to the client's current needs, the vehicle can be replaced for a larger, smaller or can be returned without financial obligation if the client for some reason no longer needs it.
Price: leasing vs. long-term car rental
The price varies depending on the vehicle category, the rental duration and planned monthly mileage. In most cases, the monthly rent is slightly more expensive than the leasing rate, but the rental price includes other costs such as vehicle maintenance costs, tire costs and other. When you look at the overall benefits of a long-term lease, it is definitely more affordable for the users.
Long-term lease is an economical and wise solution for companies operating in a challenging and changing markets. You take care of your core business and leave the fleet management to us. You will receive one monthly bill for all these services.
For all additional information, conditions, prices and other benefits for private and business users click here.